Terms we own: Tank Storage

16 November 2023

In all movements, we provide for different types of feedstocks meant for different types of biofuel, we are ultimately designated to storage of some kind. Regulations and legislation are (luckily) very strict on using certain types of carriers and storage for certain (raw) materials. Especially when it comes to blending. And because renewable feedstocks like animal fats and used cooking oil are biological materials, conservation is also a factor as long as Green Value is guaranteed.

The right storage is important on many levels. On the industrial scale in which biofuel is produced, you need to think big, like tank storage. A term we own more and more. So, let us explain why and how tank storage contributes to the energy transition. Here are some of our reasons:

  1. Building quantity: Of course, the main use of tanks for us is storage of the waste and residue feedstocks we trade. Coming from lots of different bigger and smaller suppliers, normally these streams of feedstocks vary in quantity. For the production of biodiesel we need to collect huge quantities of same quality feedstock. Storage tanks provide us with the scale needed for our clients’ needs, without loss of quality getting the right amounts together.

  2. Flexibility in blending: Because we storage different streams of waste and residues, we can keep them apart or blend them per tank. This keeps us and our clients highly flexible in getting the right amounts of feedstocks together for the greenest possible biodiesel blend. Next to flexibility in heating and discharge. It is our task, and mission, to provide them with the best quality for the utmost green value.

  3. Certification & regulation: The terminals we work with are all licensed to operate in the feedstocks we trade. That may sound like an open door, but this is crucial. Only with all certifications in place and with the right document flow, we can guarantee sustainability.

  4. Size and built: Whether it is storage or blending we aim for, the combination of the size of tanks in one terminal is a big plus. This keeps us flexible in having exactly the right sizes or amounts at hand. Secondly, some types of materials and coatings can be key in storing certain types of feedstocks.

  5. Storage of biofuels: The above is a bigger factor for the storage of biofuels, such as biodiesel and bioethanol. In our case, these fuels are produced from the organic feedstocks we trade. After the blending and production process, the sustainable alternatives to fossil fuels are very well stored in these storage tank facilities, keeping it green and sustainable.

The use of tank storage depends on various factors, including the availability of suitable locations, technological advancements, and legislation. However, it can play a valuable role in facilitating the transition to a sustainable and low-carbon energy landscape. In addition to storage and partial processing of sustainable feedstocks, it contributes if transportation to and from the tanks is done as green as possible. The more biofuel we help to produce, the more sustainability we deliver on every level.

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