Everything we do at Connex is linked to sustainability, showing our commitment to the energy transition. To ensure climate and future-proof outcomes, Connex adds green value at every value chain stage.

Our sustainable facts

in 2025

on our mission


the future
Connex Explains

Connex offers sustainability
There are no shortcuts to Green Value. We stand for it. Speeding up the energy transition can only be achieved by ensuring that everything we do –all shipments we collect, move, and deliver– is sustainably certified. And it is in everyone’s best interest we do so. We know our way in international governance and legislation and are ISCC accredited to deliver all necessary sustainability documents.
Sustainability in trade also means knowing your clients and partners and sharing visions. Transparent information, documentation, and communication are essential to create sustainable partnerships. Together we can build a sustainable supply chain to energize the future of fuel.

Connex speaks
“To build the kind of world we all deserve requires many solutions and different ways of getting there. Connex does its part by connecting waste and the energy transition.”
Fortunate Malago
Sustainability Expert

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